If you own a retail store, you need to take advantage of every opportunity to secure a sale. One way to do that is through the use of product display cases. You may have multiple aisles of display cases, but that doesn't mean you've gone far enough to increase your sales opportunities. To do that, you need to include the space near your cash registers. That area is the perfect spot to get your customers to make those impulse purchases. Before you order your new product display cases, however, here are four tips you should follow. These tips will help you avoid problems with your new display cases.
Protect Against Accidents and Injuries
If you're going to have free-standing product display cases, you'll need to take steps to avoid accidents and injuries. Display cases that are not set up properly may tip over onto customers, especially if they're not placed on a level foundation. When choosing a location for your display cases, be sure that the location you choose is level. You'll also want to avoid making your display case too top-heavy. Placing heavier merchandise on the top shelves of your display cases can increase the risk of injuries to your customers.
Provide an Enticing Display
If you want to encourage your customers to make those last-minute impulse purchases, you need to provide an enticing display. The products you sell near your cash registers should be visually appealing, easy to reach, and aimed towards the customers who will pass by. For instance, if your retail store is frequented by young families, include snacks and gadgets that parents and young children enjoy.
Ensure Proper Security
When it comes to getting the most out of your product display cases, you need to take steps to ensure proper security. Free-standing display cases are often easy targets for shoplifters, especially those that contain small, easy-to-conceal items. To ensure proper security for your inventory, be sure to place your display cases within the visibility range of your cashiers.
Avoid Empty Shelves
Finally, if you want to increase the effectiveness of your product display cases, avoid empty shelves. Empty shelves lead to customer frustration and dissatisfaction. Not only that, but those empty shelves add up to lost revenue. To enjoy maximum benefits from your product display cases, ensure that the shelves are always filled with the advertised merchandise.
Don't sell yourself short on revenue. Increase profits and customer satisfaction through the increased use of retail display systems.
Share21 January 2020
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