Your First Trip To The Lumber Yard: 4 Tips

Business Blog

If you are building something out of wood, then you more than likely will need to visit a lumber yard to buy the supplies. This process is pretty straightforward once you experience it a few times, but it can be a little overwhelming and unfamiliar the first time you go. To ensure that your first lumber yard trip is a good experience, follow these tips.

1. Know whether you will have to load the wood yourself or whether someone will do it for you.

Before you go pick up your wood, make sure you either call the lumber yard or look at their website to determine how the wood is loaded. Some yards are self-service, meaning you pull in, put what you need in your truck, and then let someone count it and charge you for it on your way out. In other lumber yards, a worker will load the truck for you. It's good to know which scenario to expect so you're not stuck lifting 24 planks without planning and wearing the proper clothes for it.

2. Bring gloves.

Even if someone else will load the wood for you, bring gloves so you are comfortable lifting the off piece of wood to look at it. You may need to move wood that has been placed in the truck at some point, and gloves will keep you from getting splinters.

3. Check the wood.

Especially if you will be loading the wood yourself, make sure you are looking at each piece to ensure it is straight, free of any major defects, not twisted, and so forth. Lumber yards understand that not all of their planks are perfect or suited for every purpose, so they'll think nothing of you being "choosy." Everyone does it.

4. If you need multiple items, have a game plan.

If you need, for example, 24 2 x 4's and 10 8 x 2's, make sure you think about how they will best fit in your truck so you can pick them up in the right order. You don't want to get a bunch of wood loaded only to find you should have put a different item in first.

Visiting the lumber yard can be a bit of an adventure. It can certainly be fun, especially if you follow the tips above for smooth sailing. Happy shopping, and hopefully your wood building project goes as well as the lumber yard trip. 

To learn more, contact a lumber yard near you.


14 January 2020

It's All About the Biz

As a business owner, you may often feel pressed for time. But one thing you should make a priority is staying up-to-date with the various skills you need to run a successful business. From keeping the books to writing contracts, there's a lot to handle, and better education can make it all easier. On this website, you will find articles about all aspects of business. Some are applicable to various industries, and others have a broader focus. If you start reading, we promise you'll learn a lot. After all, we created this site to help educate busy business owners like yourself.